Meet Karyn.

When I look back on my journey to practicing complementary healthcare, the path has been a series of seemingly unrelated ‘coincidences’ and serendipitous twists and turns that eventually unlocked an opportunity for me to express my natural aptitude to help people, my fascination of health and personal development, my love for biology, and my passion for learning. From my first exposure to the concept of using natural strategies to prevent disease and restore health I have harboured a vision of an integrative healthcare model that incorporates these safe, effective, and non-invasive approaches into the materialistic sciences of allopathic medicine. For 25 years I have been drawn to a variety of courses, classes and degrees in healing modalities anchored in energy and consciousness, the most life changing of which has been the study of The BodyTalk™ System. As a healthcare system that focuses on existential rehabilitation and addressing health challenges at a causal level, the study of BodyTalk™ has taken me into the depths of not only the philosophies and principles of both western and eastern medicine, but into the forum of energy and quantum healing providing me with a diverse understanding of the multiple facets within our life story that affect and influence our state of health and healing.  To further empower people, I am pursuing a certification as an instructor of the BodyTalk™ Access Technicians course and look forward to teaching people a simple yet powerful set of techniques to add to their daily self-care routines to maintain and manage their health and healing. I feel so fortunate that my journey has brought me to a place where I live out my passion every day providing simple, yet effective natural strategies to optimize health and enhance quality of life. It truly is a space of fulfilment and miracles!!!

About the Clinic.

  • We offer services in two ways.

    1. The Karyng Link is proud to offer in-person BodyTalk sessions at Sudbury BodyTalk Clinic , 130 Elm Street, Suite 200, Sudbury, Ontario. Sudbury BodyTalk Clinic is home to a unique group of passionate wholistic practitioners who are enthusiastic about furthering the education and experience of healing through the use of a variety of natural strategies based in energy and consciousness.

  • And the second.

    2. The miracle of technology and quantum physics enables The Karyng Link to provide its services to global clients via distance sessions.

Principles of Care.

  • When you become a client at The Karyng Link, we admire your courage to take responsibility for your health and enhance your quality of life. While we are fully committed to helping you reach your wellness goals, we assure you that you will always have the final say in the management of your care with utmost respect for any decisions you make to that end.

  • At The Karyng Link our clients health goals are our priority. We recognize that addressing health challenges often requires a multi-faceted approach. While we offer several natural approaches to support your health and wellness we welcome the opportunity to integrate our care with other practitioners on your healthcare team. We may also occasionally refer you to other practitioners we feel may be beneficial to your wellness journey.

  • Knowledge holds power. At The Karyng Link we are committed to providing you with new knowledge, insight, and understanding. We believe that the information we share empowers our clients to navigate adaptive changes that support their journey to wellness and an enhanced quality of life.

  • At The Karyng Link we understand that information and insights divulged during sessions are very personal in nature. We pledge to keep confidential anything disclosed in session unless written permission is granted.